Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Mexico s Current Political System - 1256 Words
Mexico’s official name is the United Mexican states. Mexico’s current political system derives from the Constitution of 1917, which arose from the Mexican Revolution. The Constitution captures the ideals of the Revolution and reflects three centuries of Spanish colonial rule. The Constitution protects the rights of workers, peasants, and organizations. It guarantees the right to have an eight-hour workday, rights for women and children workers, and rights for minimum wage being sufficient enough to satisfy the necessities of life. In order to make a change to the constitution requires there needs to be the approval of both houses of the federal legislature and the approval of at least 17 of the 32 state legislatures. (Geo-Mexico) Mexico’s political system is a federal republic based on presidential democracy. The government has three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The executive branch is the most important. The president serves a six-year term an d cannot be re-elected. The president appoints the 18 cabinet secretaries who run their ministries and they rarely ever meet. Only the president is has the power to veto bills and enforce/execute laws. Mexico does not have a vice president, the constitution provides a process by which, in the case that the president becomes vacant before the election, the Congress chooses a temporary president and then holds a new election. The Mexican legislature is composed of a lower house called the Chamber of Deputies and anShow MoreRelated The Mexican Peso Crisis Essay1602 Words  | 7 PagesEvidences Signaling the Crisis 1.     Decreasing Current Account Deficit versus Increasing Capital Account Balance Mexico was running an increasing current account deficit from US$7.5 billion in 1990 to US$23.4 billion in 1993. This indicates an excess of private investing over private savings. 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