Saturday, January 11, 2020
Modernization of Gambling Games in Philippines
any interactive game operated by computer circuitry. The machines, or â€Å"platforms,†on which electronic games are played include general-purpose shared and personal computers, arcade consoles, video consoles connected to home television sets, and handheld game machines. The term video game can be used to represent the totality of these formats, or it can refer more specifically only to games played on devices with video displays: television and arcade consoles Forms of online gambling The Internet has made way for new types of gambling to form online.The recent improvements in technology have once again changed betting habits just as Video Lottery Terminal, keno and Scratchcards changed the gambling industry in the early 20th century. Internet gambling has become one of the most popular and lucrative business present on the Internet. In 2007 the gambling commission stated that the gambling industry achieved a turnover of over  £84 billion according to the UK Gambling Com mission. This is partly due to the wide range of gambling options that are available to facilitate many different types of people. [3] [edit]Poker Main article: Online pokerOnline poker tables commonly offer Texas hold 'em, Omaha, Seven-card stud, razz, HORSE and other game types in both tournament and ring game structures. Players play against each other rather than the â€Å"house†, with the card room making its money through â€Å"rake†and through tournament fees. [edit]Casinos Main article: Online casino There are a large number of online casinos in which people can play casino games such as roulette, blackjack, pachinko, baccarat and many others.These games are played against the â€Å"house†which makes money due to the fact that the odds are in its favor. edit]Sports betting Main article: Sports betting Sports betting is the activity of predicting sports results and placing a wager on the outcome. [edit]Bingo Main article: Online bingo Online bingo is th e game of bingo (US|non-US) played on the Internet. [edit]Lotteries Main article: Online lottery Most lotteries are run by governments and are heavily protected from competition due to their ability to generate large taxable cash flows. The first online lotteries were run by private individuals or companies and licensed to operate by small countries.Most private online lotteries have stopped trading as governments have passed new laws giving themselves and their own lotteries greater protection. Government controlled lotteries now offer their games online. [edit]UK National Lottery The UK National Lottery started in 1994 and is operated by the Camelot Group. Around 70% of UK adults play the National Lottery regularly, making the average annual sales over  £5 billion apart from the year 2000-01 where sales dropped just below that. In its first 17 years it has created over 2,800 millionaires. [4] In 2002 Camelot decided to rebrand the National Lottery main draw after falling ticket sales.The name National Lottery was kept as the general name for the organisation and the main draw was renamed Lotto. The advertising campaign for the new Lotto cost  £72 Million which included 10 television advertisements featuring Scottish comedian Billy Connolly and one of the largest ever poster campaigns. The new brand and name had the slogan: â€Å"Don't live a little, live a Lotto†[5] [edit]Horse racing betting Horse racing betting comprises a significant percentage of online gambling wagers and all major Internet bookmakers, betting exchanges, and sports books offer a wide variety of horse racing betting markets [edit]Mobile gamblingMain article: Mobile gambling Mobile gambling refers to playing games of chance or skill for money by using a remote device such as a tablet computer, smartphone or a mobile phone with a wireless internet connection. [edit]In-Play gambling In-Play gambling is a feature on many online sports betting websites that allows the user to bet w hile the event is in progress. A benefit of live in-play gambling is that there are much more markets. For example, in Association football a user could bet on which player will receive the next Yellow card, or which team will be awarded the next corner kick. [6] [edit]Provably fair gamblingWith the dawn of Bitcoin, provably fair gambling[7] also became available for a global audience. These gambling sites allow the public to see how outcomes are based on the gambler's input and a secret number that is disclosed and changed for the next rounds every hour for example. This allows online gamblers to verify if the website â€Å"played†fair. [edit]Funds transfers Gambling money online can come from credit card, electronic check, certified check, money order, or even wire transfer. [8] Normally, gamblers upload funds to the online gambling company, make bets or play the games that it offers, and then cash out any winnings.Gamblers can often fund gambling accounts by credit card o r debit card, and cash out winnings directly back to the card; most U. S. banks, however, prohibit the use of their cards for the purpose of Internet gambling, and attempts by Americans to use credit cards at Internet gambling sites are usually rejected. [9] A number of electronic money services offer accounts with which online gambling can be funded; however, many top fund-transfer sites such as FirePay, Neteller & Moneybookers have discontinued service for U. S. esidents. Payment by check and wire transfer is also common and some gambling providers accept Bitcoin, a digital currency.Online poker From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Online poker is the game of poker played over the Internet. It has been partly responsible for a huge increase in the number of poker players worldwide. Christiansen Capital Advisors stated online poker revenues grew from $82. 7 million in 2001 to $2. billion in 2005,[1] while a survey carried out by DrKW and Global Betting and Gaming Consultants asser ted online poker revenues in 2004 were at $1. 4 billion. [2] In a testimony before the United States Senate regarding Internet Gaming, Grant Eve, a Certified Public Accountant representing the US Accounting Firm Joseph Eve, Certified Public Accountants, estimated that one in every four dollars is gambled online. [3] Traditional (or â€Å"brick and mortar†, B&M, live, land-based) venues for playing poker, such as casinos and poker rooms, may be intimidating for novice players and are often located in geographically disparate locations.Also, brick and mortar casinos are reluctant to promote poker because it is difficult for them to profit from it. Though the rake, or time charge, of traditional casinos is often high, the opportunity costs of running a poker room are even higher. Brick and mortar casinos often make much more money by removing poker rooms and adding more slot machines – for example, figures from the Gaming Accounting Firm Joseph Eve estimate that poker acc ounts for 1% of brick and mortar casino revenues. [3] Screenshot of open-source PokerTH tableOnline venues, by contrast, are dramatically cheaper because they have much smaller overhead costs. For example, adding another table does not take up valuable space like it would for a brick and mortar casino. Online poker rooms also allow the players to play for low stakes (as low as 1 ¢/2 ¢)[4] and often offer poker freeroll tournaments (where there is no entry fee), attracting beginners and/or less wealthy clientele. Online venues may be more vulnerable to certain types of fraud, especially collusion between players. However, they have collusion detection abilities that do not exist in brick and mortar casinos.For example, online poker room security employees can look at the hand history of the cards previously played by any player on the site, making patterns of behavior easier to detect than in a casino where colluding players can simply fold their hands without anyone ever knowing the strength of their holding. Online poker rooms also check players' IP addresses in order to prevent players at the same household or at known open proxy servers from playing on the same tables. Free poker online was played as early as the late 1990s in the form of IRC poker.Planet Poker was the first online cardroom to offer real money games. The first real money poker game was dealt on January 1, 1998. Author Mike Caro became the â€Å"face†of Planet Poker in October 1999. The major online poker sites offer varying features to entice new players. One common feature is to offer tournaments called satellites by which the winners gain entry to real-life poker tournaments. It was through one such tournament on PokerStars that Chris Moneymaker won his entry to the 2003 World Series of Poker. He went on to win the main event, causing shock in the poker world, and beginning the poker boom.The 2004 World Series featured three times as many players as in 2003. At least four play ers in the WSOP final table won their entry through an online cardroom. Like Moneymaker, 2004 winner Greg Raymer also won his entry at the PokerStars online cardroom. In October 2004, Sportingbet, at the time the world's largest publicly traded online gaming company (SBT. L), announced the acquisition of ParadisePoker. com, one of the online poker industry's first and largest cardrooms. The $340 million dollar acquisition marked the first time an online cardroom was owned by a public company.Since then, several other cardroom parent companies have gone public. In June 2005, PartyGaming, the parent company of the then largest online cardroom, PartyPoker, went public on the London Stock Exchange, achieving an initial public offering market value in excess of $8 billion dollars. At the time of the IPO, ninety-two percent of Party Gaming's income came from poker operations. In early 2006, PartyGaming moved to acquire EmpirePoker. com from Empire Online. Later in the year, bwin, an Austr ian based online gambling company, acquired PokerRoom. com.Other poker rooms such as PokerStars that were rumored to be exploring initial public offerings have postponed them. [5] As of March 2008, there are fewer than forty stand-alone cardrooms and poker networks with detectable levels of traffic. There are however more than 600 independent doorways or ‘skins' into the group of network sites. [6] As of January 2009, the majority of online poker traffic occurs on just a few major networks, among them PokerStars, Full Tilt Poker and the iPoker Network. As of February 2010, there are approximately 545 online poker websites. 7]Within the 545 active sites, about two dozen are stand-alone sites (down from 40 in March 2008), while the remaining sites are called â€Å"skins†and operate on 21 different shared networks, the largest network being iPoker which has dozens of skins operating on its network. [8] Of all the online poker rooms PokerStars. com is deemed the world†™s largest poker site by number of players on site at any one time. [9] By May 2012 PokerStars. com had increased their market share to more than 56%. [10] How online poker rooms profit Typically, online poker rooms generate the bulk of their revenue via four methods. First, there is the rake.Rake is collected from most real money ring game pots. The rake is normally calculated as a percentage of the pot based on a sliding scale and capped at some maximum fee. Each online poker room determines its own rake structure. Since the expenses for running an online poker table are smaller than those for running a live poker table, rake in most online poker rooms is much smaller than its brick and mortar counterpart. Second, hands played in pre-scheduled multi-table and impromptu sit-and-go tournaments are not raked, but rather an entry fee around five to ten percent of the tournament buy-in is added to the entry cost of the tournament.These two are usually specified in the tournament deta ils as, e. g. , $20+$2 ($20 represents the buy-in that goes into the prize pool and $2 represents the entry fee, de facto rake). Unlike real casino tournaments, online tournaments do not deduct dealer tips and other expenses from the prize pool. Third, some online poker sites also offer games like blackjack or side bets on poker hands where the player plays against â€Å"the house†for real money. The odds are in the house's favor in these games, thus producing a profit for the house.Some sites go as far as getting affiliated with online casinos, or even integrating them into the poker room software. Fourth, like almost all institutions that hold money, online poker sites invest the money that players deposit. Regulations in most jurisdictions exist in an effort to limit the sort of risks sites can take with their clients' money. However, since the sites do not have to pay interest on players' bankrolls even low-risk investments can be a significant source of revenue. Differe nces compared with conventional poker There are substantial differences between online poker gaming and conventional, in-person gaming.One obvious difference is that players do not sit right across from each other, removing any ability to observe others' reactions and body language. Instead, online poker players learn to focus more keenly on opponents' betting patterns, reaction time, speed of play, use of check boxes/auto plays, opponents' fold/flop percentages, chat box, waiting for the big blind, beginners' tells, and other behavior tells that are not physical in nature. Since poker is a game that requires adaptability, successful online players learn to master the new frontiers of their surroundings.Another less obvious difference is the rate of play. In brick and mortar casinos the dealer has to collect the cards, shuffle, and deal them after every hand. Due to this and other delays common in offline casinos, the average rate of play is around thirty hands per hour. However, on line casinos do not have these delays. The dealing and shuffling are instantaneous, there are no delays relating to counting chips (for a split pot), and on average the play is faster due to â€Å"auto-action†buttons (where the player selects his action before his turn).It is not uncommon for an online poker table to average ninety to one hundred hands per hour. There are many ways in which online poker is considerably cheaper to play than conventional poker. While the rake structures of online poker sites might not differ fundamentally from those in brick and mortar operations, most of the other incidental expenses that are entailed by playing poker in a live room do not exist in online poker. An online poker player can play at home and thus incur no transportation costs to get to and from the poker room.Provided the player already has a somewhat modern computer and an Internet connection, there are no further up-front equipment costs to get started. There are also consider able incidental expenses once on a live poker table. In addition to the rake, tipping the dealers, chip runners, servers and other casino employees is almost universally expected, putting a further drain on a player's profits. Also, whereas an online player can enter and leave tables almost as he pleases, once seated at a live table a player must remain there until he wishes to stop playing, or else go back to the bottom f the waiting list.Food and beverages at casinos are generally expensive even compared to other hospitality establishments in the same city, let alone compared to at home, and casino managers feel little incentive to provide any complementary food or drink for poker players. [citation needed] In the brick and mortar casinos, the only real way a player can increase his earnings is to increase his limit, likely encountering better opponents in the process. In the online world, players have another option: play more tables.Unlike a traditional casino where it is physic ally impossible to play at more than one table at a time, most online poker rooms permit this. Depending on the site and the player's ability to make speedy decisions, a player might play several tables at the same time, viewing them each in a separate window on the computer display. For example, an average profit around $10 per 100 hands at a low-limit game is generally considered to be good play. In a casino, this would earn a player under $4 an hour.After dealer tips, the â€Å"winning†player would probably barely break even before any other incidental expenses. In an online poker room, a player with the same win rate playing a relatively easy pace of four tables at once at a relatively sluggish 60 hands per hour each earns about $24/hour on average. The main restriction limiting the number of tables a player can play is the need to make consistently good decisions within the allotted time at every table, but some online players can effectively play up to eight or more ta bles at once.This can not only increase winnings but can also help to keep a player's income reasonably stable, since instead of staking his entire bankroll on one higher limit table he is splitting his bankroll, wins and losses amongst many lower limit tables, probably also encountering somewhat less skilled opponents in the process. Another important difference results from the fact that some online poker rooms offer online poker schools that teach the basics and significantly speed up the learning curve for novices.Many online poker rooms also provide free money play so that players may practice these skills in various poker games and limits without the risk of losing real money, and generally offer the hand history of played hands for analysis and discussion using a poker hand converter. People who previously had no way to learn and improve because they had no one to play with now have the ability to learn the game much quicker and gain experience from free-money play. The limit s associated with online poker range down to far lower levels than the table limits at a traditional casino.The marginal cost of opening each online table is so minuscule that on some gambling sites players can find limits as low as $. 01–$. 02. By comparison, at most brick and mortar establishments the lowest limits are often $1–$2. Few (if any) online poker sites allow action to be taken â€Å"in the dark†, while this is usually allowed and applied by players in real gaming houses. It is also not uncommon for online poker sites to not allow a player the option of showing their hand before folding if they are the giving up the pot to the last remaining bettor. This practice is also typically allowed in casinos. edit]Online casino From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2013) On line casinos, also known as virtual casinos or Internet casinos, are online versions of traditional (â€Å"brick and mortar†) casinos. Online casinos enable gamblers to play and wager on casino games through the Internet. Online casinos generally offer odds and payback percentages that are comparable to land-based casinos.Some online casinos claim higher payback percentages for slot machine games, and some publish payout percentage audits on their websites. Assuming that the online casino is using an appropriately programmed random number generator, table games like blackjack have an established house edge. The payout percentage for these games are established by the rules of the game. Many online casinos lease or purchase their software from companies like Microgaming, Realtime Gaming, Playtech, International Game Technology and CryptoLogic Inc. Online casino typesOnline casinos can be divided into two groups based on their interface: web-based and download-only casinos. Som e casinos offer both interfaces. [edit]Web-based online casinos Web-based online casinos are websites where users may play casino games without downloading software to the local computer. Games are mainly represented in the browser plugins Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Shockwave, or Java and require browser support for these plugins. Also, bandwidth is needed since all graphics, sounds and animations are loaded through the web via the plugin. Some online casinos also allow gameplay through a plain HTML interface.Apple devices such as iPod, iPad and iPhone cannot play Flash games as the technology is not supported. [edit]Download-based online casinos Download-based online casinos require the download of the software client in order to play and wager on the casino games offered. The online casino software connects to the casino service provider and handles contact without browser support. Download-based online casinos generally run faster than web-based online casinos since the graphic s and sound programs are located within the software client, rather than having to be loaded from the Internet.On the other hand, the initial download and installation of a download-based online casino client does take time. As with any download from the Internet, the risk of the program containing malware does exist. Still the graphics and sounds at download-based online casinos are most of the time much better than those at web-based online casinos. [edit]Online casino game variants The game types through the online casino interface can also be divided into two categories: live casinos, which offer live interactive casino gaming via video link, and virtual casinos, which provide computer simulations of popular casino games. citation needed]However, there is a great deal of crossover between the two, as most of the major virtual casinos now offer live gaming, and websites that are predominantly marketed as live casinos usually tend to offer virtual gaming in addition to live dealer games. [citation needed] [edit]Virtual casino games In a virtual casino game, the outcome of each game is dependent on the data produced by a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). This determines the order of the cards in card games, the outcome of a dice throw, or the results produced by the spinning of a slot machine or roulette wheel.PRNGs use a set of mathematical instructions known as an algorithm to generate a long stream of numbers that give the impression of true randomness. While this is not the same as true random number generation (computers are incapable of this without an external input source), it provides results that satisfy all but the most stringent requirements for true randomness. [1] When implemented correctly, a PRNG algorithm such as the Mersenne Twister will ensure that the games are both fair and unpredictable.However, the player has to take it on trust that the software has not been rigged to increase the house edge, as its inner workings are invisible to the user. Properly regulated online casinos are audited externally by independent regulators such as eCOGRA to ensure that their win percentages are in line with the stated odds, and this provides a degree of assurance to the player that the games are fair. [citation needed] [edit]Live dealer casino games In a live casino game, a human dealer runs the game in real time from a casino gaming table, which can be seen via a live streaming video link.Players can make betting decisions via a console on their computer screen, and can communicate with the dealer using a text chat function. The results of the physical transactions by the dealer, such as the outcome of the roulette wheel spin or the dealing of cards, are translated into data that can be utilized by the software by means of optical character recognition (OCR) technology. This enables the player to interact with the game in much the same way as they would with a virtual casino game, except for the fact that the results are dete rmined by real-life actions rather than automated processes.These games are a lot more expensive for websites to host than virtual games, as they involve a heavier investment in technology and staffing. A live casino studio typically employs one or more cameramen, several croupiers running the various games, an IT manager to ensure that any technical hitches are dealt with swiftly, and a pit boss that acts as an adjudicator in case of disputes between players and croupiers. In most cases, this requires at least a three room setup, comprising a live studio, a server/software room, and an analyst’s room.The configuration of these rooms varies from casino to casino, with some having several gaming tables in one room, and some having a single table in each room. [2] The high running costs involved with operating live dealer games is the reason why online casinos only tend to offer a handful of the most popular games in this format, such as roulette, blackjack, sic bo, baccarat, a nd poker. In comparison, the running costs associated with virtual games are very low, and it is not uncommon for online casinos to offer hundreds of different virtual casino games to players on their site.Online casinos vary in their approach to the hosting of live games, with some providing live games via their own television channel, and others offering the games exclusively via their website. In the case of televised games, players can often use their mobile phone or television remote controls to place bets instead of doing so via a computer connected to the internet. [edit]Games offered A typical selection of gambling games offered at an online casino might include: Baccarat Blackjack Craps Roulette Sic bo Online slot games Online poker Keno Bingo 31 Online bingoFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2010) Online bingo is the game of bingo (US|UK) played on the Internet. It is estimated that the global gross gaming yield of bingo (excluding the United States) was US$500 million in 2006, and it is forecasted to grow to $1 billion by 2010. [1] Unlike balls used in regular bingo halls, online bingo sites use a random number generator.Most bingo halls also offer links to online poker and casino offerings as the patrons are often in the target market. One notable feature of online bingo is the chat functionality. Bingo sites strive to foster a sense of community and interaction between players as this helps customer retention. [edit]Main types of bingo games There are four main types of bingo played around the world. In live North American bingo halls, they typically play the 75-ball version of bingo on a 5Ãâ€"5 card with the center square usually marked ‘free'.The letters B-I-N-G-O typically sit atop the 75 ball bingo card and they correspond with each of the five colu mns found on the bingo card. The desired pattern which players aim to achieve in 75 ball can vary dramatically, from a simple single line to more complicated themed patterns. The aim of the game, however, is always the same: to mark off the numbers to achieve the desired pattern. Speed Bingo is a variation played exactly the same, but numbers are simply called much quicker. In the UK, parts of Europe, Australia and parts of South America they play a 90-ball game, marked on a 9Ãâ€"3 card.Both types of bingo are prominent online. In 90-ball bingo, each card has three horizontal lines and nine columns. Each line contains five numbers, meaning each card has 15 numbers. The first column contains numbers from 1-9, the second column contains numbers from 10-19, the third column contains numbers from 20-29, all the way through to the final column which contains numbers from 80-90. A game of 90 ball bingo will normally be played in three stages: one line, two lines and full house. In a â₠¬Å"one line†game players need to mark a complete horizontal line across one card (i. e. , 5 numbers marked).The aim of a ‘two lines' game is to complete any two marked lines horizontally across one card (i. e. , 10 numbers marked). Finally a â€Å"full house†means all the numbers marked off on one card (all 15 numbers), as in a regular coverall game. The prize split differs for each stage of the game. The prize will be shared equally among the winners if there is more than one. The full house is always the largest prize in any one game. A third type of bingo game is a rather quick game of bingo. It is played with 30 balls, numbered one through thirty and appropriately known as 30 ball bingo or speed bingo.The 30 ball bingo game utilizes a 3 Ãâ€" 3 card and the object of the game is to be the first bingo player to â€Å"fill†his or her card, which requires all nine numbers on your card to match the numbers that have been called out. The fourth main type of bingo game is 80 ball bingo, which is a hybrid between the 75 ball bingo rules and 90 ball bingo rules. The bingo cards are 4Ãâ€"4, thus they contain 16 numbers. Prizes are awarded in 80 ball bingo vary, depending on the game played. Some of the ways to win 80 ball bingo include being the first player to complete an entire line on their bingo card.The â€Å"line†can be horizontal, diagonal, or vertical. Getting â€Å"four corners†also constitutes a win in some 80 ball bingo games, whilst other games require multiple lines (1 or two lines), and still others require a full house. [edit]History One of the earliest known online bingo games, launched in 1996, was a free bingo game called â€Å"Bingo Zone†. [2] To play, members had to provide demographic information; in turn, members would receive targeted ads based on the demographics provided. [3] Another early pioneer for free online bingo was Uproar, which launched Bingo Blitz in 1998. 4]Getting started Some operators require players to download free software to play their games. Other operators use JavaScript or Adobe Flash based games that allow you to play immediately online after registering a player account. Most sites accept a standard range of e-wallet funding options. Sites often provide a number of incentives to deposit, including matching bonuses where the site will reward depositing players by matching a percentage of their deposit. Recently, the US government has passed laws that limit banks ability to process credit cards for US citizens.The laws prevent US based payment providers from taking payments for online gaming. [edit]Playing Playing bingo online, players can make use of optional features which make playing the game easier, such as auto-daub. Auto-daub automatically marks off the numbers on cards as they are called, so players don't have to. Most software providers support other gaming features as â€Å"Best Card Sorting†and â€Å"Best Card Highlightingâ⠂¬ where players cards are sorted and highlighted by closest to bingo. There is variety among the different kinds of bingo games that can be played.For example, some inexpensive game rooms appeal to the player who may want to play for just a 10 cents or 10 pence; some bingo games only allow players to purchase the same amount of cards so they are not competing against the â€Å"high rollers†out there who buy many cards for the same game. [edit]Chat Whereas in land-based bingo where talking is strictly forbidden during a game, it is actively encouraged in online bingo. Chat functions as an effective retention tool, aimed especially at the predominantly female audience. It is customary for players to congratulate winning players with comments like â€Å"WTG,†or â€Å"Way To Go†.Much like instant messaging, online bingo chat communities have their own acronyms which are often used in replace of often repeated sentences. CM stands for â€Å"chat monitor†. (This can also stand for chat moderator; in some other sites you may have â€Å"CH†which stands for chat host. ) The CM works for the bingo site as the host of a chat room and plays a role in welcoming players and creating a friendly and communal atmosphere in the room. This includes, but is not limited to, congratulating players when they win a game as well as playing chat games in-between bingo.Most sites have a chat protocol known as chat etiquette or chatiquette. [edit]Bingo networks There are a number of sites that will have the same promotions, similar graphics, the same bingo rooms and the same CMs. This occurs because they are part of a bingo â€Å"network†. In simple terms, this means a number of different sites (or â€Å"front ends†) are playing with the same numbers for the same jackpot (i. e. , the same back end). Multiple sites act as doorways to a single game, leading to larger pools of players in chat rooms and more sizable pots to win, in an ar rangement known as White Label Gaming. 5]While the bingo software is the same, the brand owners are responsible for the look and feel of the site, together with any promotions they wish to offer. This is an important feature of online bingo in that it is critical that any site have enough players to have a decent sized game. Hence, the bingo network â€Å"shares†players. Some operators choose not to pool their players together and because they segregate their players, they operate on a stand-alone network, which again can be via â€Å"white label†(Brigend Limited is the most commonly used stand-alone white label software) or can be done through the use of proprietary software. edit] Sports betting is the activity of predicting sports results and placing a wager on the outcome. [edit]Types of bets See also: Glossary of bets offered by UK bookmakers [edit]United States of America Aside from simple wagers such as betting a friend that one's favorite baseball team will w in its division or buying a football â€Å"square†for the Super Bowl, sports betting is commonly performed through a bookmaker or through various online Internet outlets. The many types of bets include: Straight Bets are wagers that are made against the spread.The spread, or line, is a number assigned by the bookmakers which handicaps one team and favors another. For example, in the NBA, when two teams play each other, one is perceived as being more likely to win. To attempt to make wagering on the underdog desirable, the bookmaker will give them points. Before game 5 of the 2012 NBA Finals, the Miami Heat were expected to beat the Oklahoma City Thunder. The line read: Miami -3, Oklahoma City +3. To determine who wins against the spread, the line is either added or subtracted from a teams final score.In the above example, if the bettor chose Miami, he would subtract 3 points from Miami's final score and compare that to Oklahoma's final score. For him to win his bet, Miami wo uld have to win the game by 4 points or more. This is the most common type of bet in sports. Proposition bets are wagers made on a very specific outcome of a match. Examples include guessing the number of goals each team scores in a handball match, betting whether a player will score in a football game, or wagering that a baseball player on one team will accumulate more hits than another player on the opposing team.Parlays involve multiple bets (usually up to 12) and will reward a successful bettor with a large payout. For example, a bettor could include four different wagers in a four-team parlay, whereby he is wagering that all four bets will win. If any of the four bets fails to cover, the bettor loses the parlay, but if all four bets win, the bettor receives a substantially higher payout (usually 10-1 in the case of a four-teamer) than if he made the four wagers separately. Progressive parlays. A progressive parlay involves multiple bets (usually up to 12) and rewards successful bettors with a large payout, though not as large as normal parlays.However in a progressive parlay, unlike a regular parlay, a reduced payout will still be made even should some of the bets lose. Teasers. A teaser allows the bettor to combine his bets on two or more different games. The bettor can adjust the point spreads for the two games, but must get all the games correct to win and recognizes a lower return in comparison to parlays. If bets. An if bet consists of at least two straight bets joined together by an if clause which determines the wager process.If the player’s first selection complies with the condition (clause), then the second selection will have action; if the second selection complies with the condition, then the third selection will have action and so on. Run line, puck line or goal line bets. These are wagers offered as alternatives to straight-up/moneyline prices in baseball, hockey or soccer, respectively. These bets feature a fixed point spread that ( usually) offers a higher payout for the favorite and a lower payout for the underdog (both in comparison to the moneyline). Future wagers.While all sports wagers are by definition on future events, bets listed as â€Å"futures†generally have a long-term horizon measured in weeks or months; for example, a bet that a certain NFL team will win the Super Bowl for the upcoming season. Such a bet must be made before the season starts in September, and winning bets will not pay off until the conclusion of the Super Bowl in January or February (although many of the losing bets will be clear well before then and can be closed out by the book). Odds for such a bet generally are expressed in a ratio of units paid to unit wagered.The team wagered upon might be 50-1 to win the Super Bowl, which means that the bet will pay 50 times the amount wagered if the team does so. Head-to-Head. In these bets, bettor predicts competitors results against each other and not on the overall result of th e event. One example are Formula One races, where you bet on two or three drivers and their placement among the others. Sometimes you can also bet a â€Å"tie†, in which one or both drivers either have the same time, drop out, or get disqualified. Totalizators.In totalizators (sometimes called flexible-rate bets) the odds are changing in real-time according to the share of total exchange each of the possible outcomes have received taking into account the return rate of the bookmaker offering the bet. For example: If the bookmakers return percentage is 90%, 90% of the amount placed on the winning result will be given back to bettors and 10% goes to the bookmaker. Naturally the more money bet on a certain result, the smaller the odds on that outcome become. This is similar to parimutuel wagering in horse racing and dog racing. 2nd half bets.A 2nd half(Second half) bet is also sometimes called a halftime bet. This bet is placed only at halftime of a particular sporting event. Th is bet can be placed on the spread(Line) or over/under. The resulting bet that is placed is won or lost only on the points scored by both teams in the second half only. In-play betting. In-play betting is a feature offered by some online sports books that enables bettors to place new bets while a sporting event is in progress. [edit]Bookmaking The general role of the bookmaker is to act as a market maker for sports wagers, most of which have a binary outcome: a team either wins or loses.The bookmaker accepts both wagers, and maintains a spread (the vigorish) which will ensure a profit regardless of the outcome of the wager. The Federal Wire Act of 1961 was an attempt by the US government to prevent illegal bookmaking. [1] However, this Act does not apply to other types of online gambling. [2] The Supreme Court has not ruled on the meaning of the Federal Wire Act as it pertains to online gambling. Bookmakers usually hold a 11-10 advantage over their customersâ€â€for small wagers it is closer to a 6-5 advantageâ€â€so the bookmaker will most likely survive over the long term.Successful bookmakers must be able to withstand a large short term loss. (Boyd, 1981) Many of the leading gambling bookmakers from the 1930s to the 1960s got their start during the prohibition era of the 1920s. They were oftentimes descendants of the influx of immigrants coming into the USA at this time. Although the common stereotype is that these bookies were of Italian descent, it has been proven that many of the leading bookies were of eastern European Jewish Ancestry. (Davies, 2001) Mobile gambling From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMobile gambling refers to playing games of chance or skill for money by using a remote device such as a tablet computer, smartphone or a mobile phone with a wireless internet connection. Over a dozen mobile casinos are operating as of March 2011. [edit]Market In 2005, Jupiter Research forecast that global mobile gambling services would generate reve nues of more than $19. 3 billion US dollars by 2009. [1] In 2010, Gartner analysts showed the 2009 global mobile gambling revenues at $4. 7 billion and forecast $5. 6 billion for 2010. 2] Such a large discrepancy between the 2005 forecast and the 2009 reality is attributed to the unexpected 2006 US prohibition of all internet based gambling. The mobile gambling market, as of 2011 is still in flux. The European Union still does not have a unified mobile gambling legislative framework in place. Each European country has their own set of widely different laws which regulate mobile gambling ranging from Finland where a government monopoly operates internet casinos to Norway which is in favor of complete prohibition of online gambling. [edit]Market projectionsAccording to a Juniper Research report[3] released in September 2010 the total sum wagered on mobile casino games is expected to surpass $48 billion US dollars by 2015. The report bases this prediction on (1) the high growth rates o f mobile casinos, lotteries and sports betting providers in major emerging markets and China; (2) liberalization of mobile gambling legislation in Europe; (3) United States repealing the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006, permitting people in the US to legally gamble online again. [3] A 2010 Gartner forecast sees 2014 global mobile gambling revenues reach $11. billion dollars. [2] [edit]Mobile casino games According to a February 2010 comScore MobiLens study[4] of the U. S. mobile gaming market, smartphone subscribers are much more likely to play mobile casino games than subscribers of generic phones. The study revealed that 7. 6% of smartphone subscribers and 1. 2% of generic mobile subscribers played mobile casino games within a three month time frame. [4] As of March 2011, there is a total of approximately 100 casino style mobile games which permit the use of real money:[citation needed] BaccaratBaccarat[1] is a card game, played at casinos and by gamblers. There are three popular variants of the game: punto banco (or â€Å"North American baccarat†), baccarat chemin de fer, and baccarat banque (or â€Å"à deux tableaux†). Punto banco is strictly a game of chance, with no skill or strategy involved; each player's moves are forced by the cards the player is dealt. In baccarat chemin de fer and baccarat banque, by contrast, both players can make choices, which allows skill to play a part. Despite this, the winning odds are in favour of the bank, with a house edge no lower than around 1 per cent.Baccarat is a comparing card game played between two hands, the â€Å"player†and the â€Å"banker. †Each baccarat coup has three possible outcomes: â€Å"player†(player has the higher score), â€Å"banker,†and â€Å"tie. †Blackjack From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the gambling game. For other uses, see Black Jack (disambiguation). Blackjack, also known as twenty-one, is the most widely played casino banking game in the world. [1] Blackjack is a comparing card game between a player and dealer, meaning that players compete against the dealer but not against any other players.Blackjack is played with one or more decks of 52 cards. The object of the game is to reach 21 points or to reach a score higher than the dealer without exceeding 21. The player or players are dealt an initial two card hand and add the total of their cards. Face cards (Kings, Queens, and Jacks) are counted as ten points. The player and dealer can count his own ace as 1-point or 11 points. All other cards are counted as the numeric value shown on the card. After receiving their initial two cards, players have the option of getting a â€Å"hit,†which means taking an additional card.In a given round, the player or the dealer wins by having a score of 21 or by having the highest score that is less than 21. Scoring higher than 21 (called â€Å"busting†or â€Å"going bu st†) results in a loss. A player may win by having any final score less than 21 if the dealer busts. If a player holds an ace valued as 11, the hand is called â€Å"soft†, meaning that the player cannot go bust by taking an additional card; otherwise, the hand is â€Å"hard†. The dealer has to take hits until his cards total 17 or more points. (In some casinos, the dealer also hits on a â€Å"soft†17, e. g. nitial ace and six. ) Players who do not bust and have a total higher than the dealer, win. The dealer will lose if he or she busts, or has a lesser hand than the player who has not busted. If the player and dealer have the same point total, this is called a â€Å"push†and the player typically does not win or lose money on that hand. Many rule variations of blackjack exist. Since the 1960s, blackjack has been a high profile target of advantage players, particularly card counters, who track the profile of cards that have been dealt and adapt the ir wager and playing strategies accordingly.Other casino games inspired by blackjack include Spanish 21 and pontoon. The recreational British card game of black jack is a shedding-type game and unrelated to the subject of this article. Craps is a dice game in which the players make wagers on the outcome of the roll, or a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. Players may wager money against each other (street craps, also known as shooting dice or rolling dice) or a bank (casino craps, also known as table craps).Because it requires little equipment, street craps can be played in informal settings Roulette is a casino game named after a French diminutive for little wheel. In the game, players may choose to place bets on either a single number or a range of numbers, the colors red or black, or whether the number is odd or even. To determine the winning number and color, a croupier spins a wheel in one direction, then spins a ball in the opposite direction around a tilted circular track ru nning around the circumference of the wheel.The ball eventually loses momentum and falls on to the wheel and into one of 37 (in French/European roulette) or 38 (in American roulette) colored and numbered pockets on the wheel. Sic bo (), also known as tai sai (), dai siu (), big and small or hi-lo, is an unequal game of chance played with three dice, and of ancient Chinese origin. Grand hazard and chuck-a-luck are variants, and of English origin. The literal meaning of sic bo is â€Å"precious dice†, while dai siu and dai sai mean â€Å"big [or] small†. Sic bo is a casino game, popular in Asia and widely played (as dai siu) in casinos in Macau.It is played in the Philippines as hi-lo[citation needed]. It was introduced into the USA by Chinese immigrants in the early 20th century, and can now be found in most American casinos. Since 13 May 2002, it can be played legally in licensed casinos in the United Kingdom, under The Gaming Clubs (Bankers' Games) (Amendment) Regulat ions 2002 (Statutory Instrument 2002/1130). Gameplay involves betting that a certain condition (e. g. that all three dice will roll the same) will be satisfied by a roll of the dice. [1] [edit]VariantsGrand Hazard is a gambling game of English origin, also played with three dice. (It is distinct from Hazard, another gambling game of Old English origin, played with two dice. ) The dice are rolled down a chute containing a series of inclined planes that tumble the dice as they fall[citation needed]. Chuck-a-luck, also known as birdcage, is a variant in the United States, which has its origins in grand hazard. The three dice are kept in a device that resembles a wire-frame bird cage and that pivots about its centre. The dealer rotates the cage end over end, with the dice landing on the bottom.Chuck-a-luck usually features only the single-number wagers, sometimes with an additional wager for any â€Å"triple†(all three dice showing the same number) with odds of 30 to 1 (or there abouts). Chuck-a-luck was once common in Nevada casinos but is now rare, frequently having been replaced by sic bo tables A slot machine (American English), informally fruit machine (British English), the slots (Canadian English), poker machine or â€Å"pokies†(slang) (Australian English and New Zealand English) or simply slot (American English), is a casino gambling machine with three or more reels which spin when a button is pushed.Slot machines are also known as one-armed bandits because they were originally operated by a lever on the side of the machine (the arm) instead of a button on the front panel, and because of their ability to leave the gamer penniless (bandit). Many modern machines still have a legacy lever in addition to the button. Slot machines include a currency detector that validates the coin or money inserted to play. The machine pays off based on patterns of symbols visible on the front of the machine when it stops. Modern computer technology has resulted in many variations on the slot machine concept.Slot machines are the most popular gambling method in casinos and constitute about 70 percent of the average US casino's income. Keno (pron. : /ki?no?/) is a lottery or bingo gambling game often played at modern casinos, and is also offered as a game in some state lotteries. A traditional live casino keno game uses a circular glass enclosure called a â€Å"bubble†containing 80 balls which determine the ball draw result. Each ball is imprinted with a number 1 through 80. During the ball draw, a blower pushes air into the bubble and mixes the balls.A â€Å"caller†presses a lever opening a tube, where the balls lift one at a time into a â€Å"V†shaped tube called the â€Å"rabbit ears†. The caller and a â€Å"verifier†record each of 20 balls drawn, and the computerized keno system calculates all wagers based on the numbers drawn. Players wager by marking an â€Å"S†over the â€Å"spot†choices on a blank keno ticket form with 80 numbered selection boxes (1 to 80). After all players successfully place their wagers, the casino draws 20 balls (numbers) at random. Some casinos automatically call the ball draw at preset timed intervals regardless of whether or not players are waiting to place a wager.Each casino sets its own series of pay scale choices called â€Å"paytables†. The player is paid based on how many numbers drawn match the numbers selected on the ticket and according to the paytable selected with regard to the wager amount. Players will find a wide variation of keno paytables from casino to casino and a large deviation in the house edge set for each of those paytables. Additionally, each casino typically offers many different paytables and specialty keno bets for customers to choose from, each with its own unique house edge.No two casinos' keno paytables are identical. There are several Reno and Las Vegas casinos offering as many as 20 or 30 diffe rent paytables from which the player can choose. [citation needed] The house edge ranges from less than 4%[1] to well over 35%. [2] The typical house edge for non-slot casino games is between 0% and 5%. [3] With 227 outlets nationwide, e-Games is an Internet outlet dedicated to casino games. With technology provided by PhilWeb, patrons can choose from over 300 casino games, including baccarat, blackjack, various slot machine games, video poker and others.Most e-Games cafes operate 24/7. You can easily switch from one game to another with just a click. Experience the comfort and privacy at e-Games nearest you. pinas online games Individuals registered with DTI or companies registered with SEC may apply to become authorized e-Games outlet Operators. The e-Games operator handles the day-to-day operations of the e-Games and gets a monthly commission based on winnings. A typical e-Games outlet would have at least ten (10) ordinary PCs connected in a Local Area Network setup and a cashier 's terminal.At any given time, there are at least only three (3) staff in the outlet. Thus, overhead is minimal. Most e-Games outlets are open 24/7 and every transaction is in cash. Globally, sports betting accounts for a huge chunk of all gambling revenue. In the Philippines, legal sports betting is still in its infancy, however, the sports psyche of the Filipino has become broader and more open to games other than basketball. Realizing the potential inherent in Filipinos’ expanding sports interest, PhilWeb partnered with MegaSportsWorld (MSW) to offer sports betting via our network of e-Games cafes.MSW is a fully licensed sports book registered in the Philippines. It operates within strict guidelines of licenses issued by PAGCOR, the main regulatory body for the gaming industry in the Philippines. Betting is simple. A punter chooses from a list of sports events, game formats, and their corresponding odds. Once the punter is ready to make a bet, he hands his money to the cas hier. The cashier then enters the bet into the system and prints out a ticket, which also serves as the claim stub for any winning bets.PhilWeb Corporation is the leading gaming technology provider in the Asia Pacific Region. We are listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE:WEB). PhilWeb excels in the gaming industry by providing superior and innovative products with the highest standards of customer service. We establish strategic partnerships to ensure a fair, secure and legal gaming experience for our customers. We create a rewarding and dynamic work environment where we attract, retain and motivate highly competent, passionate and innovative people, and deliver above-market value for our shareholders.PhilWeb today serves over 40,000 customers a day at our nationwide network of online cafà ©s, sports betting kiosks and mobile games in the Philippines. In the Asia Pacific region, we have just begun serving customers in Guam, Timor Leste and Cambodia, markets which will exponen tially increase our customer base. We are also negotiating similar contracts in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos and Palau, as we go to press. We are a lean organization, with just 300 employees at the end of September 2012, but a highly productive one. In the last five years, we have generated
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